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700 North Bullis Rd. Compton Ca., 90221

                                P.O. Box 4681

                 "Sirivendo a la Communidad desde 1970"

                                     (424) 702-6202

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Getting Voter Registration Up!

With just weeks away, 14 hopeful candidates vie for every position in City Hall, including the Mayor's seat. Several of the district council people have already been cited for recall because of their racist views and attitudes. To combat voter fraud and/or manipulation in nepotism. But wait, there's more! Even within the Latino community, there are settled forces that seek to undermine the chamber for their own petulance. For more details, download the Compton Butterfly News letter and see for yourself!




Community Comptuer Courses in Microsoft!!



FECHA:Octobre - Decembre


HORARIO: 10:00AM-2:00PM  - 2 hour classes w/study curricullum


Latino Chamber of Commerce

700 N. Bullis Ave

Compton, Ca. 90221


(310) 632-1431


Learn the basics to get you employed!



Public Disclaimer:

The LCCC - Latino Chamber of Commerce in Compton, is an expansive community non-profit that embraces all spanish/english speaking people of American/Latin decent, in the state of California. We represent the majority of the community in Compton and have no inclination to advocate nor entertain any individual or become aggregators for nationist ideology, which will bear no flag of that province/country.Therefore, all are welcome to become members, equally and we reserve the right to refuse membership at our discretion. Any person or entity, who is not a member at any public meeting of the LCCC or visits our offices, can publicize their issues. When they become a member of current contractual standing, then it merits to examination by consent of the LCCC board members as consideration before an electorial process of said issue(s). Then and only then, will those issue(s) be acted upon, for the good of the community and not for individual gain. If the latter is intially present, then the issue itself will no longer be publicly considered to the LCCC as a viable committee project of interest.

LCCC says, unity...

Hellocauses Interviews LCCC!!

Download our Community       Newsletter, today!

Compton Butterfly - OCT 2016

This was a special report on what your Mayor and district officials, have not done. Q: When is the election?

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